Year End Thoughts, Raising Breeder Standards

Another Exciting Episode of …. DEAR ARNOLD Note: Some of Arnold’s fan mail may be edited cause Arnold wants some of them to be shorter so he can have more space all to himself!  Yuk Yuk Yuk! Dear Arnold, What is the point of a sugar glider’s maturity? Karin B. Dear Karin, Sugar gliders are …

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Emergency Vet Fund, Gliders as Gifts, Breeding Gliders # 2

The Emergency Vet Fund (EVF) By Tom Havens, Administrator of EVF I don’t know exactly when the EVF actually started.  I don’t think anyone does.  Several glider lovers got together to help gliders and their owners many years ago.  Mostly they helped anonymously, not asking for anything in return but wanting to help in anyway …

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Introductions aren’t working, can I try something else?; How long can sugar gliders breed?; Rapid fire answers for Glider Newbies!

Extreme Introductions by Lisa   Most people agree that sugar gliders are much better adjusted when living with at least one member of its own species.  This is the sugar glider’s nature after all; it is the way Mother Nature intended them to live.  So forcing a sugar glider to live alone, without its own …

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We are moving back to Florida! We have exciting news in store for you, but be patient please. We will be relocating soon and expanding I think you will really love what we have in store for you. In the meantime, the store is temporarily closed while we make this transition. If you need emergency food/vitamins or emergency toys, check us out on Amazon and Chewy! We’ll talk soon y’all.