Snakeman Tribute, Safety Issues, Selecting a Vet
A Tribute To Snakeman By Hope (a.k.a. BMXgirl) I will never forget Tony. Neither will many people. About a year ago I met a man on a message board for…
Gliders Outdoors, Believe It or Not?, Behavioral Disorders
Frequently Asked Question: Is it OK to take sugar gliders outdoors? By Arnold Well, it’s about time I got asked to be the question answerer. Ya see, these humans parade…
Plants in Glider Habitat, Dear Arnold, Toxoplasmosis
Frequently Asked Question Plants in the Glider Habitat – Real vs. Fake? By Lisa A lot of people obviously like to create an environment for their sugar gliders that incorporates…
Sugar Glider Product Testing, Dear Arnold, Monkey Pox
Frequently Asked Question: How does SunCoast Perform Safety Tests on Products? By Lisa As you may recall, last month we hinted that a BIG surprise was coming soon! We hoped to…
Finding A Companion Sugar Glider, Dear Arnold, Prevention is the Best Medicine
Finding a Companion Sugar Glider By Lisa We get nearly as many phone calls and e-mails from folks who have single gliders looking for companions for their pets as we…
Bug Problems Around Sugar Glider Cages, Dear Arnold, Sugar Gliders and Christmas Trees
Fruit Flies and Ants – Please make them go away! Can you say Ba Ba Humbug? We first learned the phrase Ba Ba when exiting a Southwest Airlines flight. “Ba…
Caught in Glue Trap, Shivering, Solid Roof Cages, Exotic Vs. Wild
My Glider Got in Glue! What do I do? by Lisa Dear SunCoast, I had one of my gliders out this morning playing. I have a fly / gnat glue…
Caught in Glue Trap Follow-up, The Worst In Home Hazards to Sugar Gliders, Cataracts
Follow-up: My Glider Got in Glue! What do I do? by Lisa Hi Lisa and Arnold, I just read your article on the sticky pest traps. In addition to my…
Skunk Smell; Pet Fashion Week; Sugar Gliders as Classroom pets; Evacuation Checklist
Dear Arnold – I thought I smelled a skunk! By Arnold Dear Arnold, I just got two new baby sugar gliders (8 weeks out of pouch) this week and they…
Sugar Glider Bald Spots; Gliders Eating Household Bugs; The Gliders that Own Me
Dear Arnold: Wet Spot on my Glider’s Chest? Hi Lisa (and Arnold), We always enjoy your newsletter. So sorry to hear about Janine but that was a lovely tribute. When…
Special Report: Sugar Glider Laws
Kudos to the State of Georgia by Lisa We’ve been keeping close tabs on recent events in the State of Georgia and it seems that the State is a Governor’s…
How Far can Sugar Gliders Fall Safely, Does Breeding Make Gliders Mean, Pets During Renovation
How Far can Sugar Gliders Fall Safely? by Lisa The case of the “Camp Shower Bonder” I picked up a camp shower room at KMart which is great for playing with my…
Giardia in Sugar Gliders
Limited Time Sugar Glider Toy Offer By Arnold Dude, check out me new fave toy! Even though me is Prezident, Cheef Execution Glider, Cheef Operating Glider AND Cheef Sugar Glider Offitzer,…
Community on Giardia, Using Water Bottles
Giardia: Follow-up by the Community by The Community Following are just a small handful of emails we received last month concerning the topic of giardia. We hope this will help drive…
Can Sugar Gliders Get a Cold or the Flu? Fix Rust Spots on Cages
Can Sugar Gliders Get a Cold or the Flu? By Lisa Lot’s of hype is going on these days about the H1N1 virus a/k/a swine flu and with that, concern…
Glider Sitter during Vacation; Corn is a Four Letter Word; Mealworms – Too Much of a Good Thing?
Glider Sitter during Vacation by Arnold! Hi SunCoast, I have 2 gliders and I’m going on a 2 week trip in May. I have someone who will come in once…
Dear Arnold, Our Experience with Sugar Glider Self Mutilation
Dear Arnold by Arnold Dear Arnold, We will be taking Bram and Sprite for a yearly checkup after reading your latest newsletter. We love those:) Our guys have been sparring…
Emergency Vet Fund, Gliders as Gifts, Breeding Gliders # 2
The Emergency Vet Fund (EVF) By Tom Havens, Administrator of EVF I don’t know exactly when the EVF actually started. I don’t think anyone does. Several glider lovers got together…
Should cages be covered?; Are sugar gliders messy?; Do gliders Make Noise?; Rare Colored Gliders Available
Dear Arnold: Should Sugar Glider Cages be Covered? By Arnold Hey Arnold, Do you guys sell cage covers like they have for bird cages? I think I need to keep…
Sugar Gliders with Incense, Candles, Colognes & Scented Soaps; New Toys for Solid Roof Cages; Staying on Top of Product Safety
Candles, Incense, Colognes and Scented Soaps By Lisa OK now, tell the truth! There is at least one person on your holiday list that you intend to gift something…
Do Gliders Accept New Companions?, Dear Arnold, Can I Feed My Gliders Bugs from the Outdoors?
Do Sugar Gliders Always Accept New Companions? By Lisa Here at SunCoast, we are firm believers that sugar gliders should have friends of their own kind. It is their nature,…